
Eric Winkler Ph.D.


Dr. Winkler is a seasoned professional with over thirty years of experience in the field of technology, energy, and the environment. He has advanced degrees in science and technology and public health.  His career highlights include developing and implementing demand side resources in wholesale and retail markets and was formerly responsible for more than 3000 MW of energy efficiency, demand response, storage, renewable energy and other distributed energy resources in the New England Market.


Dr Winkler is a subject matter expert on Measurement and Verification of demand resources and was lead author of regional operating manuals and national standards adopted by FERC, NARUC, . Over his career he has contributed to numerous standards development efforts with ASHRAE, ANSI, and NAESB, the M&V 2.0 model and the use and adoption of “big data” for building new business models around the “internet of things”. In his standards work, he has led efforts to create business practice standards for energy efficiency, demand response, smart grid and facility communications. He was a member of the Smart Grid Implementation Panel and participated in development of numerous use cases.


Dr. Winkler has developed planning models for energy efficiency and distributed generation and supported the efforts to provide reliability, grid resiliency, and cost savings through non-wires alternatives, targeted distribution level solutions and demand side management.


Over the past 30 years Dr. Winkler has been an invited speaker at more than 40 national conferences on topics such as wholesale markets, national standards, measurement and verification, energy efficiency, smart grid, renewable energy technology, and demand response. His presnetations are widely available on-line.